Note! Engine will now exhaust from both the normal exhaust and the former carburetor inlet.
Chuck piston carefully in lathe. Drill #5 (.205") and tap 1/4-40MPT. [miniature pipe taper] Note! Special taps and dies this size are available from Cole's Power Models, P.O. Box 788, Ventura, Calif. 93001. [(805) 643-7065] Price for tap is $1.75 and $4.90 for die. Their most interesting catalog is only $1.50. Include 5% sales tax. **
Install lift pin to piston securely while preventing piston from turning by means of a close fitting pin inserted through wrist pin holes. Reassemble engine.
Note! Engine ignition system may be retained to provide running ignition for steam generator. We usually prefer an independent ignition system.
Protect surface of cylinder head with a single layer of masking tape. With piston at top dead center, saw protruding lift pin flush with the cylinder head surface. Clean up saw cut with fine file. Install impulse (bash) valve and adjust for a ball lift of from .035 to .060 using shim washers.
Preoil engine and start in the usual way. The engine will run well on as little as 60psi and will produce over 1BHP on steam at 450psi at 5000rpm. Warning! Engine must be provided with a continuous supply of lubrication. This is effected by means of a reliable mechanical lubricator (see Cole's catalog). For ordinary steam sources, or by the recommended oil/water mix as described in the Super S.A.S.S. Plans. For once-through steam generators. Maximum recommended steam temperature is 750F.
Obtain Champion UY-6 spark plug body. Remove insulator and core. Open up bore with 3/8" dia ball end mill to depth where bottom corner cleans up. Turn major i.d. to .505" dia to receive modified pipe bushing. Chamfer top edge for brazing.
Obtain 1/4" dia by 1" long brass rod stock. Tap 1/4-40MPT one end. Turn remainder to 3/16" dia (1/8" dia optional).
Obtain 3/8 pipe to 1/8 pipe steel bushing reducer. Turn o.d. to .500"
diameter and carefully braze in place in body. Install 5/16" (.3125") dia
440C stainless steel ball and seat same with brass drift. Add inlet fitting
(not shown).
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created with Netscape Navigator Gold and last updated on March 14. 1998.
Copyright © 1998 Karl A. Petersen karlpete@yahoo.com .